Compagnia: AlphaZTL Compagnia d’Arte Dinamica
Starring the inmates of the Brindisi prison, the company's professional dancers and the students of the training for professional dancers and social innovation IN SINCRO.
8 e 9 novembre 2023 h. 9:30 e 11:30
Teatro Don Bosco - Brindisi
The word 'spectrum' generally evokes the image of a dead person, a 'ghost'.
"Spectrum", however, can also be related to the sense of hearing: when you hear a sound or a voice, what you are hearing is a series of different pitches (frequencies), and the set of pitches of a sound and its intensities constitute the spectrum. The 'spectrum' is the graphic image of the vocal timbre.
The parallelism between spectrum/ghost and spectrum/voice is what inspired us to create a performance in a world, mostly inaccessible, like that of prisons, populated by people, the inmates, perceived by some as ghosts: people who live elsewhere, without being seen.
SPETTRI is the study, knowledge, understanding, and in-depth analysis of some historical or iconic characters or simply protagonists of an event that has marked their lives and destinies of all: Enzo Tortora, Mother Teresa Di Calcutta, Frida, Bernard Milk, Les Patronas, Peppino Impastato, Palmina Martinelli (a 14-year-old girl from the province of Brindisi who was burnt alive for refusing to prostitute herself). Characters who changed the world and spent much of their energy trying to transform, for the better, humanity, leaving traces of themselves.
SPETTRI breaks down the barriers that normally divide people, giving light to the deepest thoughts, to feelings. With the protagonists on stage SPETTRI deals with social issues such as violence against women, homosexuality and freedom to love, the giving of one's life to help others, and courage. This allowed the protagonist prisoners to comfort each other, each locked in their cells, leading them naturally to merge in a series of hugs representing the fusion and transformation of individuals into human beings.
Section of the festival in collaboration between Brindisi Performing Arts and Destini Incrociati Festival dedicated to dance in prison with the protagonists being the inmates of the Brindisi, Lecce and Potenza prisons.
In collaborazione con la Casa Circondariale di Brindisi
Regia e guida coreografica Vito Alfarano
Idea, testi e selezione musicale Marcello Biscosi
Coreografie Vito Alfarano, Francesco Biasi, Doriana Epicoco, Marianoel Gioia, Aurora Zammillo
Con Giuseppe Balestra, Francesco Biasi, Angelo Cavaliere, Antonio De Franco, Piera Di Falco, Doriana Epicoco, Marianoel Gioia, Francesco Margherito, Mirko Schiavone, Aurora Zammillo
Costumi Francesca Giglio
Luci Paolo Mongelli
Con il supporto del Garante delle Persone Private della Libertà Personale del Consiglio della Regione Puglia e Agenzia Nazionale Indire Erasmus+